Achieve recruitment success with our value-added service which includes:
- Screen Shortlist Only Targeted & Localised Talents
- How it works: We increase our client’s chances to find the right LOCAL talents. As the Top Job Search destination for almost 1 million local candidates in Brunei, is specialized in having a targeted and localised talent pool.
- Success Rate
- How it works: We Work closely with every company and your HR Manager to achieve positive feedback and satisfactory responses at a 99% success rate for each of the positions advertised.
- Successful Hiring Guarantee
- How it works: Should the position not be filled within the 30 days of listing, do notify us before your job listing ends and we shall gladly extend for you; and for job extension, our team will vet through the job details and suggest further improvements.
- Maximum Exposure
- How it works: For every job advertisement, we help to promote the jobs on our active social media sites and partner sites.
- Customer Service Experience
- How it works: We endeavor to serve our customers promptly with an excellent service geared towards achieving results for their recruitment success. Should you require any assistance at any point in time, remember that we are always here to help
- Talent Management System (TMS) *NEW*
- How it works: Monitor and view all applicants that have applied to your job advertisement through your DASHBOARD
- Cost-effective
- How it works: We provide rock-solid Job Advertising solutions coupled with world-class service and support held at competitive prices
For further inquiries, please feel free to get in touch with Talent Specialist Team at