Explore how you can manage your job search on your DASHBOARD. Simply keep track of recent jobs viewed by you and monitor your job applications easily. Learn how you can shortlist your preferred jobs based on your qualification and experience or set your job recommendations to apply to jobs that are based on your preferred industry or categories.
Job Recommendations Tool
By updating your job recommendation settings (Job Category, Job Type and Preferred Location), you’ll get to select the best jobs available on our job site. Follow the following steps:

  1. On your DASHBOARD, go to ‘Job Recommendations’
  2. Go to ‘Job Recommendations Settings’ to update your job recommendation setting
  3. Key-in the ‘Job Category’ keywords (i.e. Admin, Account, Engineering) on the keywords section
  4. You too can include your preferred Location (i.e. Brunei Muara, Tutong, etc) or select the preferred Job Type (i.e. Full Time, Part Time, Contract etc).
  5. Click Save to save your changes
  6. Back to your DASHBOARD, select ‘Job Recommendations’ and go to ‘View Job Recommendations’ to view all filtered jobs based on your preferences.
Recently Viewed Jobs
Trace back the jobs which you have viewed recently;

  1. From your Dashboard, go to ‘My Jobs’, click ‘Recently Viewed Jobs’
  2. You will have access to all jobs that you’ve recently viewed in which it includes the jobs that you applied to or yet to applied to.