Cover letter designed to increase your interview chances 50%
Masterful cover letter written and checked to suit your industry
Summarize your skills, experience and education
Delivered in Word file format
Cover Letter length: 1 page
Delivery within 3 Days
Suitable for Job seekers, Professionals and Graduates
Focus on your potential
Get noticed by employers, maximizing interview chances
Checked for spelling and grammatical errors
Friendly support by local Talent Specialist Team
More interviews, guaranteed.
Proof Reading and Editing existing resume
Professionally checked to suit your industry
Updating resume into modern design and layout
Highlight your skills, experience and education
Delivered in Word and PDF file format
Resume length: 1-2 pages depending on your experience
Delivery within 8 Days
Suitable for Job seekers, Professionals and Graduates
Focus on your potential
Get noticed by employers, maximizing interview chances
Checked for spelling and grammatical errors
Friendly support by local Talent Specialist Team
More interviews, guaranteed.
Complete Resume Redesign and Rewrite
Professionally written for your industry
Modern design and layout
Emphasize your skills, experience and education
Delivered in Word and PDF file format
Resume length: 1-2 pages depending on your experience
Delivery within 8 Days
Suitable for Job seekers, Professionals and Graduates
Focus on your potential
Get noticed by employers, maximizing interview chances
Checked for spelling and grammatical errors
Friendly support by local Talent Specialist Team
More interviews, guaranteed.
How it Works?
Choose your resume or cover letter package and complete your order online
Emailing below items to
* Existing Resume / Cover Letter
* Provide Your Information
* Provide Your Information
Receive your finished resume within 8 business days!
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